He is a First-Class graduate of Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the University of Ife and bagged master’s degree in business administration. He obtained a Renewable Energy Technology Certificate from the University of Alberta and has the credential of being a Sustainable Energy Technologies Professional from the Foundational Technology Institute.

He has more than three decades of engineering and electricity utility management experience. He was an Executive Project Advisor at WATT Renewable Corporation and Chairman of the Board of WATT Renewable Corporation                                                                                                                                             

Prior to this, he was the Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer of Port-harcourt Electricity Distribution Company where he midwifed the transitioning of the Company from public to private ownership. The Company has a geographical coverage spanning 4 States of the Niger Delta region of the country, over 2000 workforce, huge customer base of diverse electricity need with a maximum power demand of over 500MW (360GWh of energy) and average monthly revenue of over $5million.

He joined the National Electric Power Authority (NEPA) as a Pupil Engineer in the mid-1980s and worked in different departments of the organization at junior and senior management levels.

He played an active role in the privatization of the distribution division of Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) after which he joined, Sahara Power Group, the owner and operator of the largest private distribution and generation company in Nigeria as the Business Leader of the distribution division. 

He possessed experience of Project Appraisal of large infrastructure projects during his sojourn in the Power Holding Company of Nigeria and as Business Leader in Sahara Power Group via collaboration with international Companies like Huawei and KEPCO, and direct supervision with responsibility for overall management of projects, amongst which are the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and Geo-referenced customer enumeration.

He is a Fellow Nigerian Society of Engineer (FNSE), a Member of Nigerian Institute of Management (MNIM), Member of Council for Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) for over two decades.